Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What to buy a New Mum!!!

So my sister is heading of to a baby shower in three weeks and wanted to know what she should a buy a first time mother. As a first time mother myself, who has countless times over the last few months wanted more essential items for Summer (Baby girl) than some of the appreciated yet useless gifts I have decided to create a little guide as to what I would be ever so thankful for in the first few months of baby's life.

#1 ITEM: A BABY WEARING WRAP: Instead of that "Baby's 1st Christmas Santa Stocking" that is only going to be used ONCE on one day of her whole life, how about buying a wrap that will leave mum hands free for those essential times of the day when she actually wants to move. Find a Stockist of the Moby wrap! This will be the most appreciated gift in the world. (NOTE: Do not buy any cheap imitation as the bubs safety is at risk)

#2 ITEM: A MAGIC MITTEN: I only discovered these the other day and I want a time machine to go back and make those first few months so much easier. "The Magic Mitten is a non-invasive, hand-held baby soother that gently and safely calms upset babies - like magic!" 

#3 ITEM: AN EXCERSAUCER: I  know a bit expensive but go in with a few friends and get a cheap evenflo. Anything to keep them entertained while mum is having a shower, or even just whizzing a brush through her hair. Hell, even scour trademe for one. 

#4 ITEM: A CO-SLEEPER BABY BASSINETT: Another big purchase but again get a few people to go in for it. Settling a baby is so hard and co-sleeping becomes an essential part of a mothers life even though frowned upon it happens at one point or another. A safe co-sleeper will ease the mums mind and decrease the risk of SIDS

#5 ITEM: A BABY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION: There are a range of baby mags to subscribe to but if you get a 6 month or year subscription for that mum, she won't feel so alone. Try Treasures, ohbaby etc. 

If in doubt, just ask what they need instead of assume, its a time when they will work out exactly what they need. But mostly company, meals are highly appreciated.

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